Archives: Old Posts

I Aten’t Dead…

…I’m just going to be elsewhere for a while.

As I have mentioned a few times recently, I have a massive workload at the moment.


You know already that I’m gearing up to self publish Splinters of Truth.

On top of that I’ve been trying to do more freelance writing.

One thing that  I was hoping to announce with more pomp is that earlier this year I completed my first true game writing gig, for a hidden object game.

I won’t go into it now- I’m saving that news for later- but suffice to say that it led on to more work, which is very heavy and won’t allow much time for daily blog posts (even my short silly ones).


So the long and short of it is this: I’m taking a hiatus.

No more daily updates, sorry!

If you want to be alerted when something does happen, subscribe on the top bar (to my twitter, or RSS when it’s live).

This decision was purely based on sensible management of my workload. Once I’m ready to return, I will do so, probably with a nice new blog design and some good news to announce!

It may be weeks or months before things settle.


So, have a good summer! I will return. This is not goodbye, merely ttfn.

Stay beardy!

Our Daily Beard

Afternoon all!

Well, I’m a lucky boy.

The fine folks of Glenfiddich saw fit to furnish me with a sample set of three whiskies. This is the one I mentioned a week ago- the Miniature Single Malt Whisky Gift Set.

Empowered with ABV 40% and retailing at £14.99, the set contains three 5cl bottles- 12, 15 and 18 years old. You can sample each age and decide which is to your taste.

Well, I did, with the help of my delightful girlfriend Becki, who assisted with her own buds.

You may still have time to grab one for father’s day tomorrow. The gift set is very pretty, with nice coloured bottles inside coloured tubes. Behold:

IMG_1372 IMG_1373


Note that the glass is not included, that’s my own Glenfiddich fanboy glass and it seemed appropriate for the test. So, what are the results?

Well, as you can imagine, the older whiskies were stronger and more flavoursome. None of them were bland by any measure. For a nonniseur, I think the 12 year would suffice quite well. Even I didn’t detect a massive range between them; they just got more full-bodied. The older whiskies have a little more burn. It’s a preference thing.

I would say that I’d put the 12 year old, 15 year old and then 18 year old in order of preference (leave it), but I didn’t have to fork out for them. There isn’t that much difference- warm belly, fuzzy feeling, burny woody taste. Becki felt pretty much the same:

“[the Glenfiddich scotch whisky] was full flavoured, rich… warming. I dunno.”

My thoughts exactly. Anyway, it’s a nice pressie!



Our Daily Beard


Right, today it’s Word of the Day!

Spelunk \spi-LUHNGK\, verb:

To explore caves, especially as a hobby.

Spelunk entered English in the 1300s from the Latin spelunca meaning “cave” or “cavern.”


No need to make a joke. Spelunk is the third funniest word ever all by itself.

I can confirm that this blog will be taking a hiatus in the next few days. Oh noes!

But it’ll be back spelunkier than ever!

Have a good Friday night!

