I Aten’t Dead…
…I’m just going to be elsewhere for a while.
As I have mentioned a few times recently, I have a massive workload at the moment.
You know already that I’m gearing up to self publish Splinters of Truth.
On top of that I’ve been trying to do more freelance writing.
One thing that I was hoping to announce with more pomp is that earlier this year I completed my first true game writing gig, for a hidden object game.
I won’t go into it now- I’m saving that news for later- but suffice to say that it led on to more work, which is very heavy and won’t allow much time for daily blog posts (even my short silly ones).
So the long and short of it is this: I’m taking a hiatus.
No more daily updates, sorry!
If you want to be alerted when something does happen, subscribe on the top bar (to my twitter, or RSS when it’s live).
This decision was purely based on sensible management of my workload. Once I’m ready to return, I will do so, probably with a nice new blog design and some good news to announce!
It may be weeks or months before things settle.
So, have a good summer! I will return. This is not goodbye, merely ttfn.
Stay beardy!