Copywriting, Cordyceps and Calories

Copywriting, Cordyceps and Calories


Hail, traveller!

Today’s post is another diary-esque entry to catch you up on my current situation (and help me to nail down my thoughts).

This week, I’ve mostly been concerned with the above Cs. I’m expanding my copywriting portfolio, I completed The Last Of Us (a tad overdue), and I’m back on the calorie counting.

I cannot recommend The Last Of Us enough. I played the remastered version, but never the original, so I can’t speak to the differences but the overall product is largely the same, I’m sure. The things that make it fun and engaging will be present in both; the story and the relationships of the main characters. If anyone else is yet to try it, please do. The use of the Cordyceps parasitic fungi is marvellous- a fresh take on the zombie archetype that feels real and harrowing. As fantastic as the idea is of a fungus that takes over the brain of an animal to spread its spores, it exists in nature and therefore has more gravitas than some mumbled t-virus business. I can already sense that Joel and Ellie’s touching relationship of survival will have an impact on my writing. While on the subject of games, I’m also very excited to see the first gameplay footage of Dark Souls 3 appear- yes please!

Copywriting is back on my list of Stuff To Do. With my writing work on The Little Vikings coming to a close and the Strange Matters book out there, it’s time to take on new clients. I’m conversant with SEO and keyword marketing and I’d keen to sharpen the skills I picked up at university, so if you need any writing, from creative stories to simple website text and blog posts, let me know! Perhaps you just need something editing or proofreading to iron out those niggling grammatical errors, which can sap surprising amounts of professionalism from a website or brochure. I’m casting my net for new clients and seriously considering full-time writing work if I can find it.

Calories… yes. You may remember my posts entitled ‘The Healthening’. Well, I’m ashamed to say that I failed in that quest, or rather, slid back a few steps. I’ve regained about half of what I lost, but the proverbial foot is coming down now to curtail that regression. This time last year, I was laid up with a toe nail removal which quickly became an excuse to do too much sitting and eating. Now, I’m back to being a Good Boy. I’m using the My Fitness Pal app again, which had sent out little electronic search parties for me.

To those who have bought Strange Matters- I thank you again. I hope you’re enjoying it- please do leave reviews, even one-sentencers, on Amazon, Goodreads or Smashwords, etc. I’d love to get that ball rolling. If you spot any typos, contact me on my About page. I’ll be slightly tweaking some phrasing based on feedback I’ve had, so if anything has slipped through the net, do tell me. The updated edition will be almost identical, but I feel it’s worth doing before printing hard copies.

So that’s where I stand now. I’m feeling very positive about the future and I’m already brewing ideas for a full-length novel to come after Strange Matters, the writing of which has taught me a great deal, both about writing and marketing.

All go, innit?

by Bret

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