DLYHL Comes to Stitcher

DLYHL Comes to Stitcher

Hello everyone!


A little news post to tell you… well, it’s in the headline, appropriately. Stitcher is a website that collates podcast and radio content for it’s listeners, who can listen via the web or a mobile app.

Listen to Stitcher

Stitcher’s gaining huge popularity because it’s a fine way to discover new podcasts and make the listening experience feel a bit more organic, like a dynamic radio show. So, it seemed high time that DLYHL went into the light! Plus, we know that not everyone uses Soundcloud and iTunes. Choice is always nice. If you want to suggest any other platforms for getting the show out, drop us a message or a comment!

You can get to DLYHL’s Stitcher page through this link.

There’s also a widget. Look!

Hope that’s useful for you folks! We’ll keep pumping if you keep listening!

by Bret

You can reach me via the About page and the social links at the top, or subscribe at the bottom.