DLYHL S04E01 – The Masturbation Special

DLYHL S04E01 – The Masturbation Special

Episode 1 kicking us off with lots of willy talk!


DLYHL Season 4 has landed! We’re back with some new games, new ideas and of course new stories – but are they real or fake? Is truth stranger than fiction? For those who haven’t heard, there’s also a bonus live episode available now!

Behold, the unintentional masturbation special! This episode features an impressive gorilla impression (including public masturbation), a man who feels the need to destroy after masturbating to music (what) and sex toys cause a stir in Austin- ‘cocks not glocks’, everyone!

We also invent some stories on the spot, which include pensioners, farmers and more masturbatory horror!

Welcome back to DLYHL and enjoy!


Enjoy the show- pop over to www.dontloseyourheadline.net to get in touch with us, or use the links on my site to contact me!

by Bret

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