El Shaddai UK release date and screens!

Great news. The much anticipated El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (possibly the trippiest-looking game ever) has been given a UK release date.

September the 9th, folks. Sooner than a soon thing. I look forward to hearing what El Shaddai assets are unveiled by Ignition at E3!

Regurgitatum: UTV Ignition Games today announced the awe-inspiring action adventure title El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will be available in the UK and European territories on September 9, 2011. Following a wildly successful launch in the game’s native Japan at the end of April, gamers across the world will be able to experience the jaw-dropping art style, captivating storyline and innovative gameplay when it releases in September for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

To celebrate the street date announcement, UTV Ignition released a brand-new trailer and series of screenshots that reveal gameplay and combat details that have yet to be seen. In the trailer, viewers will be introduced to Uriel, one of four Archangels assigned to watch over and guide Enoch throughout his quest to capture the souls of seven renegade angels who have abandoned Heaven for Earth. In times of especially stressful combat, players will be able to summon Uriel and deliver even more powerful attacks against the game’s mightiest foes.

El Shaddai screenshot 1

El Shaddai screenshot 2

El Shaddai screenshot 3

El Shaddai screenshot 4


El Shaddai screenshot 5

El Shaddai screenshot 6

El Shaddai screenshot 7

El Shaddai screenshot 8

El Shaddai screenshot 9

El Shaddai screenshot 10

El Shaddai screenshot 11




by Bret

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