Ellie Goa’ulding

Ellie Goa’ulding

Me? Too much time on my hands?


Yeah… I know.

Actually, the opposite is true. I’m so busy trying to get my new copywriting career to a viable stage, that I didn’t have time for a blog post of merit or substance, this week.

Instead, I put my laudable Fireworks skills to use to create this image, which I feel exposes the truth behind one of the most sinister celebrities to grace our planet.

ellie goaulding goulding get it?


We were all thinking it. You know they favour our human bodies- they’re so easy to repair! Share this image, my dear fellows, for the freedom of all humanity.

And if I meet with an unfortunate accident this week, you’ll know I’ve hit a nerve. Warn SG-1 immediately!

by Bret

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