Our Daily Beard


This weekend, you have probably already noticed, is Xbox Live Gold free weekend.

You can ‘get’ Xbox Gold for free. This weekend.

It starts on Friday at midday and allows a brief window of access to multiplayer gaming, Netflix and Lovefilm (and other apps) and so on and so forth. I have a smart TV, so poo on that, but maybe I’ll try to get someone to do a game with me. I don’t really like online gaming. I’ve said it before- I didn’t get into computer games for interaction with the public.

These are some of the haps:

‘Football fans can take part in the EA SPORTS FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Spring Classic in-game tournament all weekend for the chance to win 1,000,000 in-game coins plus other prizes. Petrol heads should check out the Forza Rivals Mode events for both Forza 4 and Forza Horizon. On Halo 4, play a total of ten Spartan Ops or War games missions over the weekend and receive Double XP on your next ten missions!’

Apparently some existing Goldies will get TV tokens so that they can watch some of the overpriced TV for free, which is nice.

‘Fans are also invited to enhance their Xbox 360 game and entertainment experience with Internet Explorer, as well as Xbox SmartGlass which turns their phone or tablet into an intelligent second screen.’

In case you don’t already have A COMPUTER.

I’m going to pretend that free Gold weekend actually means that my Xbox will eject bars of gold from the CD tray. I’m going to camp out all weekend beside the console.

I’ll let you know what happens.


by Bret

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