Archives: Android

Fantastic Beasts: Cases From The Wizarding World

Fantastic Beasts: Cases From The Wizarding World

Fantastic news! (and where to find it!)


I may have mentioned being busy over the last few months, working on a new game writing gig which has been important to me. While I was sworn to NDA secrecy for a long time, the game has now been released and I’m free to share the good news!

Fallout Shelter is better with daft names

Fallout Shelter is better with daft names



I’m a little behind the times here, but I wanted to post a quick review of a mobile game I’ve been playing lately.

Until I downloaded Sorcery! (whole other story, fantastic game) I was pretty engrossed in Fallout Shelter; the promotional tie-in to Fallout 4.

The gist is that you take on the role of Overseer and look after a vault of post-nuclear survivors. The art style of the game perfectly captures the tongue-in-cheek vibe of Fallout, based on the art seen in the menus of the first (and subsequent) games. The sound supports it nicely with little daytime TV style riffs.

Edit: the game has just been updated, so I’ll tell you about those updates at the end.