Archives: Book

Strange Spotlight: Torc

Strange Spotlight: Torc

Having a little look at Torc.


Hello all! High time I returned to my Strange Spotlight series and did episode 2, which will take a look at Torc.

Returning visitors to Doing Words will know that I wrote a collection of short fantasy tales, called Strange Matters. The eBook’s available from AmazonSmashwordsGoogle Play and more, with the hardcopy on Amazon. Strange Matters contains 20 pieces of fiction and poetry that all contain a glimmer of magic; for some it’s overt, for others it’s subtle. Some are high fantasy, some are modern.

Strange Matters in the Library!

Strange Matters in the Library!

I’m rather chuffed to see my work on the shelves of an actual library!


When a teenager I was, I spent many an hour in the school library. I’m not going to wax lyrical about how libraries are magical places of dreams and wonder (though they are), but it did me a lot of good. I have fond memories of reading and learning, which all kids should do, to whatever degree.