11:10 am / by Bret+ / Filed in: Don't Lose Your Headline Tagged as: bacon, chikan, comedy, dog, farmfoods, giggles, marbles, mayor, nipple, penguin, pig, podcast, prom, sniper, vom, Wisconsin, wouldyourather DLYHL S03E08 – Would You Rather It’s that time again, you fools. This podcast episode has some very insightful DLYHL-themed Would You Rather Questions! Continue reading
3:46 pm / by Bret+ / Filed in: Don't Lose Your Headline Tagged as: bepe, ebay, eyes, florida, hercules, marbles, penis, pool, prison, revenge, tourist, vodka DLYHL S03E03 – Penis Problems Episode the third! A new DLYHL podcast for everyone to enjoy. Continue reading