Thanks for 2016, Have a Good Christmas!
Yes, I’m taking a break to do celebratories!
I’m stupidly busy as Christmas approaches. This is actually a fantastic thing, because it means that my self employment is going well! I’m swamped with work and trying to keep a creative oar in too, but in order to juggle these and still enjoy my Christmas with family and friends, I need to take a break from blogging.
So, between lack of DLYHL (the last episode of the year is here, but there’s a special coming on the 19th) and a pause on weekly updates, you won’t hear from me for a few weeks. Sorry!
I’ll be back in January to do more funnies and writing stuff!
This has been a crazy year, but the support of friends, family and readers has kept me going. Thanks, everyone. Onwards and upwards, right?
Have a good Christmas, or whatever you may celebrate. Be safe and warm.
Bye for now!