Archives: Short Stories

Strange Spotlight: They Found Him Weeping

Strange Spotlight: They Found Him Weeping

Taking a look at the thing that uncoils from the darkness.


Here’s a thing; a series of posts (well, up to 20, presumably) that each shine a spotlight on a piece from Strange Matters! Don’t worry, I won’t post any spoilers.

Returning visitors to Doing Words will know that I wrote a collection of short fantasy tales, called Strange Matters. The eBook’s available from Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play and more, with the hardcopy on Amazon. Strange Matters contains 20 pieces of fiction and poetry that all contain a glimmer of magic; for some it’s overt, for others it’s subtle. Some are high fantasy, some are modern.

Introducing Strange Matters

Introducing Strange Matters


Something strange this way comes. My short story collection, mentioned so many times in so many little asides, is finished at last!

Yes, really! Now entitled ‘Strange Matters’, twenty of my stories and poems are all in one place and ready to be read. You can see a teaser of the cover above.

The Firebird update and the coming collection

The Firebird update and the coming collection




Some people may be arriving here after already noticing this, but I’ve re-released the Firebird novella.

Primarily, it has gone live on Smashwords for the first time! This is very exciting for me and I’m looking forward to their judgement regarding letting me distribute it to their wider markets.

Also primarily (!), it now contains both an updated version of the Firebird with some minor editorial tweaks, plus three extra pieces of content. These are short stories I’ve shared before (British Gods and Saturday’s Child), and a poem I’ve shared just this week- Thornback.

These versions are polished and pretty and have been added to the Firebird to create a kind of sampler for the upcoming collection. You know, the one I’ve been hinting about for ages. Eagle eyed readers may have spotted that the title ‘Strange Matters’ has been revealed, but I’m not going to expound on that yet, as it’s something of a soft launch at this stage. Expect a release date very soon!

Don’t forget you can follow me with the links at the top of the site to get informed pronto.


To business: on Smashwords, I’ve made the sample stories free. You can go and grab them right now if you like.

Amazon is less flexible in that regard, but I’m working on it. However, those who have already purchased the book (and my massive thanks again) should be able to get an updated version with the additional content for free. This isn’t something Amazon does automatically, so I need to tell them to do so. It’s going to take a few working days, but do let me know if you don’t get it (or grab a .mobi from Smashwords).

Right, I’m off to tweak things and make sure I fully understand the process before publishing Strange Matters.

Thanks for supporting me!