Archives: Writing

The Firebird FREE weekend!

The Firebird FREE weekend!

Hello sailors and sailettes!


If the headline was too obtuse for you, basically, The Firebird is free this weekend. In my own little ‘Black Friday’ giveaway, the novella is 0p from Friday 29th to Sunday 1st, on Amazon. Ebook only, I’m afraid!

Here is a link.

Please do grab a copy while it costs nowt! You might like it, or not. You might never get around to it. In any case, it’s a big help to a struggling novice writer to have those all-important Amazon rankings (and reviews even more so!). Check out the existing reviews if you’re undecided.

That’s all she wrote. The Firebird is a fable, an original folklore tale based on traditional elements from Slavic folklore. The style of writing is heavily angled towards that, with loaded symbolism and formal sentences. Don’t worry, it’s not archaic. It’s fun. Especially if you like a strong female character with a penchant for hunting.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Arcturus gets Honourable

Arcturus gets Honourable

Good news; my short story ‘Arcturus’ won an honourable mention from the Writers of the Future contest!


Like most budding writers, I enter any and every competition that I can afford to. One such competition was the Writers of the Future contest, sponsored by L. Ron Hubbard. Okay, I know what you’re thinking: ‘What’s the top prize, a personality test?’

Review of Garrett’s Mulligan

Review of Garrett’s Mulligan

I had the pleasure of reviewing a book this last month. Let me share my experience!


‘Garrett’s Mulligan’ by Grant Reed is a fantasy tale with a comedic slant and a murder/intrigue plot. I was recommended it by a friend and it’s just that kind of recommendation that keeps us finding new gems that would otherwise have passed us by.