Archives: Splinters of Truth

Arcturus gets Honourable

Arcturus gets Honourable

Good news; my short story ‘Arcturus’ won an honourable mention from the Writers of the Future contest!


Like most budding writers, I enter any and every competition that I can afford to. One such competition was the Writers of the Future contest, sponsored by L. Ron Hubbard. Okay, I know what you’re thinking: ‘What’s the top prize, a personality test?’

The Firebird is now available!

The Firebird is now available!

That’s right, my first foray into self publishing has happened.


‘The Firebird’ is one of the short stories from Splinters of Truth, the collection I’ve been harping on about for a year.

For the duration of today and tomorrow (22nd – 23rd September), The Firebird will be free to buy on Amazon! Go on, then. Fill yer boots.

While Splinters is taking longer to edit than expected, I wanted to get The Firebird out now, as a kind of introduction or teaser. Therefore, I’ve used the cover art I had made to go with the former to publish the latter as a standalone novella.

Beware the Editing Raptor

Beware the Editing Raptor

I’d better do some blog posting, hadn’t I?


The last two weeks have largely been consumed by editing. As I’ve said, Splinters of Truth is on its way. One story in particular, ‘The Firebird’, has been giving me considerable grief. Progress had been delayed by that most dreaded of creatures, the Editing Raptor.

The Editing Raptor is intelligent, swift and deadly. He can open doors, doors into your self-doubt that allow his pack to enter your mind and attack anything that you thought was cool in the first draft.