DLYHL Comes to Acast!
Hello everyone!
I know, I did the same post for another site last week. Well, bite my dairy air! I’m dead busy getting my CYOA game ready for public consumption.
But in any case, this is good news! Acast is another podcast platform which has become hugely popular. It’s another string to our terrible bow, giving you the listeners more ways to tune in.
Acast has the option of letting you have your podcast hosted there, or just being listed from where you currently host. We’re with Soundcloud right now and would love to hear of anyone else’s experiences with Soundcloud and Acast and the pros and cons.
You can get DLYHL from Acast right here.
Hope you’re enjoying season 4! The next episode is out on Monday as usual. Have you spotted any funny news stories we could put on the site at www.dontloseyourheadline.net? Send me a link!
We’d also love to get some random keywords from you that we can use for You Can’t Make It Up.
Non-podcast post next week, honest guv!