The Witcher 3 Screenshots

The Witcher 3 Screenshots

More Witcher 3 prettiness!

We have four screenshots of the new game to check out. It’s looking good!

Behold (and clicky for biggerer):


Geralt chat-cam! Nice and casual, over-the-shoulder nattering. “Please, Witcher, help me push this horse over.”



Geralt fights wolves beside wonky palisade wall! Those beasts will pay for peeing on the grass and making it all wilty.


The_Witcher_3-Wild_Hunt_Skellige _is_a_beautiful_place

Okay, that looks ace. Lovely mountainy goodness. Geralt’s on holiday in Skellige.



Geralt battles Theresa May. Fortunately, he has a tiny crossbow. Got to admit, it looks great. I’ve been playing the first Witcher this week and in comparison, it looks like Minecraft viewed through a puddle. With cataracts.


So, there you have it. Should make nice wallpapers, too. No sign of ‘romance’ cards yet, though…

In case you forgot-

“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a fantasy universe full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher 3, you play as Geralt of Rivia, one of a dying caste of monster hunters, and embark on an epic journey in a war-ravaged world that will inevitably lead you to confront a foe darker than anything humanity has faced so far—the Wild Hunt.

For more information about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt visit:


The game is scheduled to launch February 24th, 2015 and will be available on PC, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One.”


by Bret

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