Our Daily Beard – 18/02/13

Well it’s been quiet, you see, because of all the working.

But, nil desperandum, I still occasionally find fun things to show you.

Following on from my moon door photo, I have another demonstration of a fun way to prepare food.

Could it be my ‘thing’? Let’s hope not.

This meal is one of my favourites for a very light, low calorie lunch.

  1. Warburton’s sandwich pitta pocket bread thingy (I forget what it’s called but it’s a circle that you split in the middle to make two semi-circular pittas, very convenient). 162 calories.
  2. Ham, in this case cheap and nasty Asda reformed ham (used to be criminal ham but found Jesus). 37 calories.
  3. Asda mature cheddar, 20 grams, grated. 83 calories.
  4. Tomato ketchup, about 30 calories.

Total calories: 312.

Making Pac-Man on your plate: priceless.


Do enjoy as much as I do!


by Bret

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