Our Daily Beard – 28/02/13

Today, I got some lovely new screenshots of Star Trek: The Trekoning.

Or whatever it’s called.

First, a recap about the game itself.


So; you play as Kirk and Spock in a co-op movie cash-in extravaganza (far better than a regular vaganza) based on Abraham Lincoln’s flashing-light-effects-themed reboot.

It’s in good hands, especially for a movie tie-in- the hands of Digital Extremes (Bioshock 2, Dark Sector, The Darkness 2). The story should be solid too, between BAFTA award winner and God of War writer, Marianne Krawczyk, in collaboration with the writer/producers of the new Star Trek films, Bob Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof.

Explore strange new (old) worlds and ships and see all the fancy things from the films, yada yada. Play as Kirk, a new young dynamic Kirk, not Shatner (though I’d buy a game just based around him pottering around LA getting into ego driven hijinks).


In case you’re wondering what Brian Miller, senior president of vice at Paramount Pictures and executive producer of ST:TVG, has to bleat on the matter:

“One of the great joys of video games is the opportunity to take audiences to places that are only hinted at in traditional film and TV projects,” whispered Bri Bri from his hiding place in a bustling German market. “Giving gamers the opportunity to explore the U.S.S. Enterprise is one of the more exciting aspects of our video game and one that we can’t wait to share with Star Trekfans and gamers worldwide.”


Anyway, silliness must end now, for Gorn is out there (yes, Gorn) and it’s high time we saw how serious these screenshots are. If you click them, they’ll get bigger:

star trek screenshots

Kirky here practicing standing like a cowboy.

Sylar and whatsit look cool and determined as they explore Belfast.

Sylar and whatsit look cool and determined as they explore Belfast.

A trip to Nandos gets out of hand.

A trip to Nandos gets out of hand.

This is the zero gravity mini-game where you play as Shatner from the future and have to collect little orbs of self-esteem.

This is the zero gravity mini-game where you play as Shatner from the future and have to collect little orbs of self-esteem.

A dinosaur- in space?!

A dinosaur- in space?!



by Bret

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