Strange Matters In Print

Strange Matters In Print

Great news to announce!


Strange Matters is now available in print, via Amazon’s Createspace!

*fanfare and applause and medal from Leia*

Indeed, after many months, I’ve only gorn and dunnit. I’ve finally been able to hold my book in my hand, which is a great feeling! As convenient as e-books are, there’s really something to be said for holding a tome.

Strange Matters is priced at £8.99 at this time (with variance for US and EU outlets). Here’s a handy link!

You’ll see that I’m using the same fantastic hyena artwork by Charli Vince for the print version, with a matching back cover. For anyone who hasn’t seen it:



Strange Matters is a collection of tales of fantasy, myth and magic.

Some are funny, some are dark, some are both. Some are set in our world, with the skin peeled back to reveal the magical mechanisms beneath. Some are set in fantasy worlds, where instead it’s the reflections of reality which are hidden.

All contain matters best described as ‘strange’, because to me, strange matters.


Don’t forget that the free sample, The Firebird, is available as a free ebook on Smashwords if you want to try before you buy.

Formatting for print was no small feat, with a hundred little finicky things to adjust. The standards required by Amazon are pretty strict, especially with covers. The interior was tricky too, requiring a lot more thought than an e-book which just reflows to suit the device. The process has given me a new appreciation of the work that goes into the books printed by major publishers.

I hope you enjoy reading; it was a true labour of love. Soon I’ll be organising copies for local book shops, other outlets and so on. Maybe a signing? Slightly terrifying!

If you do read Strange Matters, electronically or in print, please do leave a brief review on Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords, whatever- they help me spread the word.

Thanks everyone!

by Bret

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