Archives: 2014

F1 2014 Review

F1 2014 Review

Yeah, F1! Chief among function keys and also something to do with cars.


As another racing title skids across my desk, it behooves me to consult with my correspondent on all things wheeled, Tall and Merciless Chris!

Click pics for nice, big versions.

Here’s his review of the latest F1, on PS3:


“Being Codemasters’ last entry in the series before it moves to the new generation of consoles, F1 2014 was always going to be an iteration rather than a revolution, but in truth even calling this a reskin gives the game more credit than it deserves.

2014 and the Healthening Strikes Back

2014 and the Healthening Strikes Back

Happy new year!


Yes, it’s that time again, where we celebrate the cycle of the year. 365 days passed since last time. Gadzooks!

Cycles are deeply ingrained in us. I don’t mean bicycles, though they can get pretty deeply ingrained as well, especially on a bumpy road. As the world turns and the seasons change, our attitudes and fortunes ebb and flow. Time changes everything, even while history repeats itself.