Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

2015 complete, turn to page 2016.


Welcome to the obligatory New Year post!

I’m keeping it short and/or sweet, because I refuse to sit at the PC for any longer than I need to today.

This year has been a strange one. Some familial bad things happened, which I won’t go into, but suffice to say things have been quite melancholy in the latter half of this year. That was accompanied by some more public bad news, namely me becoming redundant. Job = gorn, Bret = freeeee!

Free to be poor. However, I don’t miss the job and I’ve been able to enjoy several months of impromptu freedom, which is fantastic. I’m very excited about what comes next and grateful for the extra free time I’ve had. Plus, my old job often saw me working over Christmas, which I didn’t have to do this year. Hoorah!

Meanwhile, this year had a very significant milestone for me, writing-wise. Yes, the self-publication of Strange Matters happened, both in eBook and print formats. I’m remarkably chuffed about this! For a long time, it felt like the book would never be done. Even after I’d written all the damn stories. This was a big personal achievement for me and gradually people are picking it up and reading it, which is wonderful!

What’s next? A short CYOA game (mostly for fun), a proper novel and a job. In fact, I’m not worrying about the job part- I’ve been ramping up by copywriting work and have a decent stable of clients, so I’ll be working for myself until an awesome job presents itself. Wish me luck!

Normal posting and Don’t Lose Your Headline will resume soon.

Have a great 2016, everyone. I hope it’s healthy, happy and safe for you all.

by Bret

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