Archives: Strange Matters

Introducing Charli Vince, Illustrator

Introducing Charli Vince, Illustrator


Today I’d love to share with you all a little Q&A I had with Charli Vince.

Name sound familiar? It should, she’s the very talented artist who drew the cover for Strange Matters!

Charli kindly answered a few questions for me about her work. She clearly did a great job on my cover and she has a host of other fine work on display on her website, at Now that Strange Matters is in print and her art is being shipped all over the place, I thought it time to let others know more about her. This is Charli in her words:

“I’m a Norwich (UK) based illustrator with a love and fascination for the animal kingdom, intrigue, and colour. If I’m not at my desk doodling myself into a coma, I can be found drawing people in Norwich city, gawping at other people’s dogs, or getting punching stuff at Kung-Fu training (of which I am a black belt, not to brag or anything).”

Strange Matters In Print

Strange Matters In Print

Great news to announce!


Strange Matters is now available in print, via Amazon’s Createspace!

*fanfare and applause and medal from Leia*

Indeed, after many months, I’ve only gorn and dunnit. I’ve finally been able to hold my book in my hand, which is a great feeling! As convenient as e-books are, there’s really something to be said for holding a tome.

Strange Matters is priced at £8.99 at this time (with variance for US and EU outlets). Here’s a handy link!

Introducing Strange Matters

Introducing Strange Matters


Something strange this way comes. My short story collection, mentioned so many times in so many little asides, is finished at last!

Yes, really! Now entitled ‘Strange Matters’, twenty of my stories and poems are all in one place and ready to be read. You can see a teaser of the cover above.