Archives: update

Dark Souls 2 Update

Dark Souls 2 Update

Just a quick post to comment on some things I said in my first-look review.


I’ve been playing Dark Souls 2 ‘proper’ now. I’m not much further (kept dying, innit) but a larger view of the game is available to me now.

First up, a quick correction to my review. Remember I said that I got into a coffin and nothing happened, then my character randomly became female, which might have been a bug? No bug, just game designers trolling us.

Had I but make a small logical leap I’d have realised that getting into the coffin changes your gender. Just like in real life!

Where I’m At

Where I’m At


Just a quick post to let everyone know what’s going on in the world of moi.

Well, first up, writing.

I’m still working on my super secret game project, but it’s due for release in the coming month! Very exciting times. It may lead to more game writing work. I’ve been spending a ton of time on it and the learning process has been very interesting.