The Gist of For Honor
Hello folks. Been playing For Honor, innit.
Long story short, as is the point of the Gist: this is a really good game, with excellent artwork and a fantastically simple combat mechanic, which was heavily screwed by Ubisoft. The servers are tempestuous, the game releases your IP to the match host so they can (and do) use DOS attacks on you if they’re the pathetic sort and it’s riddled with microtransactions despite being full price.
A huge hats off to the actual people who made it, because they must have worked hard to make this game fun and make me keep playing despite all that bollocks. The comic pokes fun at the fact that the three factions are kind of pointless in practise (we’d love a faction war mode- you wouldn’t need the annoying esports colour patterns then). In fairness, this is a minor gripe and it’s not like the game makes any sense to start with, having these fantasy versions of historical warriors existing together.
If you see me on the field of battle (as Berdedwerdsmeth) you will probably see me as the Valkyrie, Warlord or Conqueror. I love shield fighting and super love shield and spear!
Until next time.
PS the viking raider says “ÉG RÍF ÞIG Í BITA!” – “I’ll tear you to pieces!”, but in practise, I swear it sounds like “Agree with Queen Peter!”. Seriously.