Archives: creative

Year One: Freelancing for Food

Year One: Freelancing for Food

I’ve been freelancing for a year, now.


A bit more, actually, but in tax terms, it’s a year- which means I also have a very clear image of how much money I haven’t made. Gulp, and other anxious onomatopoeia.

But you know what? I made it and I’m still going, at least for now. The reason I made it is because I picked up some good advice along the way, which is how all creative and entrepreneurial people get a leg up. So, I’m passing on a few things I’ve found, as well as some general advice, to anyone thinking of doing the same thing. These are, naturally, based on my experience as a writer. Things may be different for an artist or developer, so let me know if you have your own words of wisdom or top tips.

Calling all bigmouths: book reviews needed!

Calling all bigmouths: book reviews needed!

Hullo there, noisy-faced gits!


Yes, you! With the big mouth! With the gaping maw, forever spouting talky-wind!

I need you. In fact, I need online bigmouths more than anything (big fingers?!). Anyone who has visited before will know that I’ve got a book out.

Strange Matters: Collected Tales of Fantasy, Myth and Magic.