Archives: pterodactyl

The Gist of James King

The Gist of James King

An obscurerer than usual Gist!


Yes, this Gist comic is even more obscure than usual, because it’s actually a prize for a Don’t Lose Your Headline listener. Specifically, James King of That King Thing podcast!

So yeah, I guess if you haven’t heard it, just cover one half of the screen and read Red’s lines, then fill in the blanks with imaginary Demi dialogue. Pretty neat!

The Gist of Wanking Words

The Gist of Wanking Words

If only today was National Juvenile Humour day!


Then you’d all be sorry. Enjoy a new Gist comic, with some choice euphemisms. Have you got any of your own for the list? Just pop them in the comments!

Demi chooses not to bring up that Red’s primitive penis is hidden inside his cloaca, while Red chooses not to mention that Demi only has, like, half a lettuce. Maybe they’re getting along after all?