Archives: Writing

Calling all bigmouths: book reviews needed!

Calling all bigmouths: book reviews needed!

Hullo there, noisy-faced gits!


Yes, you! With the big mouth! With the gaping maw, forever spouting talky-wind!

I need you. In fact, I need online bigmouths more than anything (big fingers?!). Anyone who has visited before will know that I’ve got a book out.

Strange Matters: Collected Tales of Fantasy, Myth and Magic.

Author Interview: Rosemarie Gibson (Desiring Her)

Author Interview: Rosemarie Gibson (Desiring Her)

Let’s sit down and chat with a lesbian!


This week, I’d like to share an author interview with Rosemarie Gibson. I previously shared one of Rosemarie’s works, Desiring Her – a collection of poetry that tells of the love between two women. Please do check it out!

Rosemarie kindly agreed to answer some questions, so we can get an idea of who she is and how she works. If you love reading, take an interesting in matters of sexuality or just like to meet folk, read on!

Copywriting Update: Online Bingo Reviews

Copywriting Update: Online Bingo Reviews

Sharing a recent success.


In the spirit of sharing successes, which I’m told is a good thing to do, I thought I’d just post today to tell you about some work I’ve been doing lately. The copywriting work has been flowing freely lately, I’m very pleased to say- long may it continue! Here’s the text from my portfolio page: