Archives: comic

The Gist of For Honor

The Gist of For Honor

Hello folks. Been playing For Honor, innit.


Long story short, as is the point of the Gist: this is a really good game, with excellent artwork and a fantastically simple combat mechanic, which was heavily screwed by Ubisoft. The servers are tempestuous, the game releases your IP to the match host so they can (and do) use DOS attacks on you if they’re the pathetic sort and it’s riddled with microtransactions despite being full price.

The Gist of Cassava

The Gist of Cassava

It’s a plant!


Cassava came to my attention for two reasons, recently.

One: Okay I forget but it stuck in my head because I used a similar word, Kassavar, in my short CYOA The Night of the Wolf and the Sellsword.

Two: It gets mentioned in the TV show Death In Paradise.

So when it came to Gist time and I realised it was an angiosperm like the humble Strawberry, it seemed a fitting theme. I’ve never eaten Cassava and never will because of the FACTS.



PS. I should attribute the nice leafy photo: By Slashme (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Noice!